Juanita Yoder


Kinetic paintings on silk express Spring transformation in this mobile commissioned for Easter of 2020. The outer suspended 55” ring is attached to a top swivel allowing the entire 85” long sculpture to turn. Each of the thirty six individual paintings also turn on individual swivels. This allows the entire sculptural piece to appear and disappear in ever changing ways as it slowly turns and interacts with the beautiful space of the chapel. The solid and serene colors in the center paintings of the mobile become increasingly dynamic and vibrant as you move toward the outer ring of paintings.

Conversations with the client, and meditative time spent in the chapel were integral parts of the design process. Dr. Alison Boden, Dean of the Princeton University Chapel, envisioned an Easter piece with bright ribbon-like color. Inspiring conversations ensued with Penna Rose, Director of Chapel Music. Penna talked about Veriditas, a term used by Hildegard of Bingen to describe hope and the greening and colorful flowering of new life. I spent time in the chapel and experienced a gorgeous, ethereal music meditation by Ruth Cunningham, performed in the chancel. From the synthesis of listening to the music, the client and to the chapel itself, the idea came to me for a mobile of paintings which punch through the top of a ring and appear to spin on a central axis to express hope and soulful radiance.

Due to the pandemic, installation of this piece has been delayed. The images of Fountain were shared in the Easter broadcast of the Princeton University Chapel. Dr. Boden wrote that she wonders if this piece “will always be a positive reminder of this hard period, and of the beauty that is emerging in so many places in spite of the suffering.”.

Princeton University Chapel
Princeton, New Jersey

Fountain - Princeton University Chapel
Fountain - Princeton University Chapel
Photo by Frank Jacobs 
All images on this site are copyrighted and property of Juanita Yoder.