Juanita Yoder


The eight paintings on silk for the Gregg Mast Chapel reflect the vision of Dr. Mast of the “thin spaces” existing in this chapel, and the vision of current NBTS president, Dr. Micah McCreary, of “taking the Light out into the cities of the world.” The two main paintings focus on the theme of the Holy Spirit and incorporate the logo and colors of the New Brunswick Theological Seminary, as well as those of the liturgical seasons. The six paintings suspended from the beams express the six liturgical seasons of Pentecost, Advent, Christmas, Epiphany, Lent and Easter. The colors reflect the seminary vision and environment, and are diverse and welcoming.

I enjoyed the vision exploration in the chapel with Micah McCreary, Andrew Wymer, Faye Taylor and Beth LaNeel Tanner. The finished pieces incorporate the ideas expressed of liturgy, diversity, and harmony. As I began the painting, it came to me in a contemplative meditation that I needed to start with the six seasons as spiritual preparation to paint the two larger works. While creating this artwork, I was drawn to pray for both inner and outer peace. May peace prevail on earth and in our hearts.

New Brunswick Theological Seminary
New Brunswick, New Jersey

Invocation - New Brunswick Theological Seminary
Invocation - New Brunswick Theological Seminary
Invocation - New Brunswick Theological Seminary
All images on this site are copyrighted and property of Juanita Yoder.